Luxand MirrorReality SDK – Working with Masks
Every Mask consists of three files:
- filename.png – image file of a mask layer that is applied in multiply mode. You should use this layer to change skin color or add some translucent elements. When this layer is applied, the original skin texture is more visible compared to normal mode. This file may be missing.
- filename_normal.png – image file of a mask layer that is applied in normal mode. You should use this layer to draw something on the face or to make some parts lighter. When this layer is applied, the original skin texture is less visible compared to multiply mode. This file may be missing.
- filename.grd – text file of facial feature coordinates of the mask. This file is not in the Photoshop format. We recommend using our default .grd file. This file is not allowed to be missing.
Use our sample file in the Photoshop format when creating new masks:
It has two layers (one is applied in multiply mode; the second one is applied in normal mode). These layers must be square and their dimensions must be equal. Both layers have to be exported to separate .png files. The layer with the face must not be exported. This layer is for convenience only while creating a mask.
If the mask name is “filename,” layer in multiply mode is exported to “filename.png,” layer in normal mode to “filename_normal.png.”
After that, you can use them with the SDK.