Luxand FaceSDK – Using with Java

You need JDK 1.6 (or OpenJDK 1.6) to use FaceSDK with Java. The FaceSDK Java wrapper uses JNA (all information about JNA and the actual version can be found at, but jna.jar is included in the distribution for your convenience). The FaceSDK java wrapper works with any IDE, but only Netbeans sample projects are provided with the distribution.

To use FaceSDK in your Netbeans project, follow these steps:

1) Add FaceSDK.jar (include\Java\FaceSDK.jar) and jna.jar (include\Java\jna.jar) to the Libraries section of the project.

2) Add the following imports to your source code:

import Luxand.*;
import Luxand.FSDK.*;
import Luxand.FSDKCam.*;

3) Put the appropriate facesdk binaries (facesdk.dll, or libfdsk.dylib) in the project directory (or to the /usr/lib directory if using OpenJDK).

You need to redistribute the FaceSDK binaries (facesdk.dll, or libfdsk.dylib) as well as FaceSDK.jar and jna.jar with your application.


Next chapterUsing with Cocoa


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Alexandria, VA
+1 800 471 5636

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