Luxand FaceSDK – Using with Android

For Android Studio you need to copy the directories armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a contained in bin/android/ to the app/src/main/jniLibs directory of your project. Also you need to add the include/android/ file to the app/src/main/java/com/luxand directory.

For Eclipse ADT you need to copy the subdirectories contained in bin/android/ to the libs/ directory of your project. You also need to add the include/android/ file to the src/com/luxand/ directory.

The syntax of some functions on Android is different from the corresponding Java syntax due to the usage of JNI instead of JNA.

Note: Only arm64 (arm64-v8a), armv7 (armeabi-v7a), x86 and x86_64 architectures are supported by FaceSDK on the Android platform.

The FSDK class is provided in the binary code form only. Therefore, the "com.luxand" package name of this class cannot be changed.


Next chapterUnicode Support


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