Smileys and Emoticons, Animated, with Your Face

Smileys with Your Face

Turn your face into
emoticons in one click!

Upload Your Photo

Gender: male female

Create Your Smileys

How it works


Share your unique 3D, animated avatars
at Facebook, MySpace and Google+!

Bored of standard smileys?

Emoticons. Supposed to express emotions, but do they really? Standardized, unified, mostly yellow smiley faces are commonplace. Getting one of the other sets from somewhere on the Internet wont make it much better.

Be Expressive! Be Unique!

How about being unique? How about BEING YOURSELF? Turn your face into a set of emoticons in just a minute! Luxand Smileys will only need a single picture of you to create a set of smiley faces expressing the whole range of emotions. HAPPY. ANGRY. SURPRISED. LUSTING. LAUGHING. ROLLING. All of these can be YOU!

Avatar API

Luxand encourages Web and mobile developers to use Luxand Avatar API in their applications. It's quick and easy to use Luxand Avatar on your website with WEB API, sample code and detailed instructions handily available. For more information, contact our sales team.